Innova kayaks has released a brand new model as of May 1st of this year… The Innova Swing. LATEST UPDATE: The Innova kayaks are now Gumotex kayaks. You can see our Gumotex Swing inflatable kayak review here. The Swing kayak has a beautiful …
Planning an Overnight Inflatable Kayaking Trip
If you would like to take your inflatable kayaking experience to another level, an overnight trip can be a great adventure. Overnight kayaking or canoeing trips can be a lot of fun with family and friends and you will likely come back with some …
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Why the Advanced Elements AdvancedFrame?
I have noticed over the last couple of years that the Advanced Elements AdvancedFrame is by far one of the more popular solo inflatable kayaks on my website. Many people decide to purchase a convertible inflatable kayak meaning a tandem model that …
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5 Main Advantages of Kayak Fishing
People are looking for more affordable and convenient ways to get out on the water and fish. Using a kayak is one of the most popular ways to do that and kayak fishing is quickly becoming a hot trend. Traditionally people have fished in a kayak …
Inflatable Canoeing Basics
Some people prefer an inflatable canoe to an inflatable kayak and for certain activities such as expeditions and fishing they offer some great advantages and are a versatile way to get around on the water. I have personally always been better at …
How To Prolong The Life & Durability Of Your Inflatable Kayak
How well you take care of your inflatable can directly affect how long it lasts. Wear and tear are normal and they are made to withstand a fair amount of use and abuse. However after over a decade of paddling inflatable kayaks I have learned there …
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