Those who paddle do it for a number of different reasons. Some do it for fun, for exercise, as a way to float around and enjoy the water, for fishing, and some even use it for transportation. If you love to kayak but are getting bored with just …
How to Choose a Kayak
Choosing the right kayak that will best suit your needs will require you to ask yourself a few questions. There are several different types of kayaks to choose from. The questions you will need to ask yourself when buying an inflatable kayak are …
The Inflatable Kayak Alternative
After years of paddling a hard shell kayak, I found myself in a situation where storing and transporting a kayak was no longer convenient. I was forced to look for kayaking alternatives and eventually made the switch to an inflatable kayak. I …
Custom Additions to the Sea Eagle 370 Kayak
I received an email a while ago from one of our visitors named Ben who explained how he custom outfitted his SE 370 inflatable kayak to suit his needs. I thought what he did was really creative and showed the possibilities of what you can do with …
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Protection for your Inflatable Boat
One of the best things you can do to protect the material of your inflatable boat is to use a 303 protectant spray. I have touched on this in other articles and you will find a post under the Gear & Accessories section that focuses on …
New Innova Kayak – The Swing
Innova kayaks has released a brand new model as of May 1st of this year… The Innova Swing. LATEST UPDATE: The Innova kayaks are now Gumotex kayaks. You can see our Gumotex Swing inflatable kayak review here. The Swing kayak has a beautiful …