Often times you will see whitewater kayaks advertise what class of water they are good for. What that is telling you is how rough of water your kayak can handle as well as what kind of passage to expect. It is important to know what these …
Benefits of Kayaking
Whether you are new to kayaking or an experienced paddler, sometimes it is good to remind ourselves why we started, or are thinking of starting this recreational sport. There are so many benefits to learning to kayak and keeping those benefits …
Inflatable Kayaks that Hold 500 Pounds or More
If you are looking for an inflatable kayak that can hold one heck of a lot of gear then you have a few different options. Below is a list of inflatable kayaks that can hold over 500 pounds and keep on gliding through the water smoothly with …
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Choosing an Inflatable Kayak
So you’ve made the wise choice to get an inflatable kayak and now you are wondering which inflatable kayak will be the right one for you. Considering the right factors before you purchase your inflatable kayak will ensure you get the right boat …
Packing an Inflatable Kayak First Aid & Safety Kit
If you have a standard first aid and safety kit that you have with you at all times while kayaking then you don’t ever have to worry. You know you are prepared for the worst and you can enjoy and have fun. Packing your own safety kit is easy... …
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Basic Paddling Techniques
Having good control of your kayak will come from coordination and balance as opposed to brute force. Using the right paddling techniques will help to ensure that your ride is smooth, enjoyable and also fairly dry (unless you decide to brave the …