I would classify a cheap inflatable kayak as one that can be purchased for under $500. Sometimes we don’t want to spend a lot of money on a boat if we are not going to become avid kayakers. If you are looking for an inflatable kayak to pull out a …
Getting In and Out of your Inflatable Kayak
If you have begun to enjoy the sport of kayaking, or if you are thinking about starting then it is important to know how to get in and out of your inflatable kayak. It may seem like a simple thing that does not need much consideration. However, …
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How to Safely Wet Exit and Swim with your Kayak
When a kayak capsizes we are automatically dumped from our kayak. If exiting an overturned kayak has not been practiced it can be a scary experience. There are a few simple steps that can help to calmly slide out of your capsized kayak and keep …
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Inflatable Kayak Glossary of Terms
In your research on inflatable kayaks you may have come across certain terms that are slightly confusing. If you are new to kayaking it is especially nice to know what all the words mean when reading the kayak descriptions. Below is a list of …
How to Empty a Capsized Kayak
Have you ever had the misfortune of tipping your kayak in the water… with you in it? If you are wearing your lifejacket this is usually not that big of a deal. It can happen easily and if it does you need to know how to empty the water out of your …
History of the Kayak
I began researching the history of the kayak more for my own interest and thought I would share my findings with everyone. Here is a brief explanation of what I found out… There is evidence that kayaks are at least 4000 years old. They were …