You will learn fairly quickly after a few outings what to do and not to do on your kayaking trips. For any brand new paddlers out there it might help to know some key do’s and don’ts that will make your first few paddling adventures enjoyable and …
Reading the Weather Before & During a Kayak Trip
I have always wanted to be able to easily read the weather without having to look it up online or hear it on the radio. For kayaking, knowing the weather is extremely important. I have had the misfortune of being out on the ocean having a happy …
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Cheap Inflatable Kayak Problems
If you are looking for an inflatable kayak and trying to keep the cost down there are several cheap inflatable kayaks on the market ranging in price from under $100 up to $500. I wouldn’t consider anything over five hundred to be a cheap inflatable …
Common Inflatable Kayak Myths
There are a lot of misconceptions and myths surrounding inflatable kayaks. Unfortunately I think these myths cause consumers to doubt whether an inflatable kayak is the right choice. I will go through these myths below and clear up any confusion …
Inflatable Kayaking and Kids
I don’t have kids, so I am not an expert on this subject. I do however have lots of friends with kids so have been around them a lot. While I like my peace and solitude while out in my inflatable kayak, I notice that kids just want FUN. Fun and …
5 Inflatable Kayak Paddling Goals
How important is it to set goals for your inflatable kayak adventures? Goals are the best way to achieve what you desire. Many of us set life goals on New Years Eve, but what about goals for our passions and daily fun? If you like to go paddling in …